Peter S. Olsen, Director of Finance and Administration, Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul
(651) 265-0727

Vice President, North
Vickie L. Hartley, Construction Finance Manager, One Roof Community Housing
(218) 740-3666 ex 2

Tracey Mittelstadt, Finance Director, Youthprise
(612) 692-5528


Lisa Desotelle, Partner, Wipfli, LLP
(952) 548-3340

Nicki Donlon, Partner, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP
(612) 876-4675

Becky Johnson, Financial Manager, Women Venture
(612) 224-9571

Deb Nelson, Partner, Eide Bailey LLP
(612) 253-6500

Heather Simon Carlson, CFO, Tasks Unlimited, Inc.
(612) 767-2079


Program Committee Chair
Joe Keegan, Director of Accounting and Finance, Think Small
(612) 986-6365

Committee Members

Deb Nelson, Partner, Eide Bailey LLP
(612) 253-6500

Jessica Thompson, MNM CFO, The Arc Minnesota
(952) 915-3601

Megan Genest Tarnow, Principal, The Mobius Group, Inc.
(651) 208-0498

Doug Rosenberg, Manager, Purchasing and Central Services, Augsburg University
(612) 330-1297

Michelle Winkleman, Manager, Baker Tilly US
(612) 876-4596

Kate L. Gillette, Vice President, Avison Young
(612) 913-5650

Vickie L. Hartley, Finance Director, One Roof Community Housing
(218) 249-0381


Matthew Lemay, Field Consulting Services, Mutual of America

Molly Schaffer, Manager, Abdo, Eick & Meyers
(952) 939-3222

Committee Members

Melanie Accola, CFO, All In One Accounting
(651) 335-4959

Amy Babcock, Audit Manager, SDK
(612) 332-9378

Connie Geieger, Accounting Manager, Guild Incorporated
(651) 925-8457

Becky Johnson, Financial Manager, Women Venture
(612) 224-9571

Matthew Miron, Benefits Consultant, USI

Peter S. Olsen, Director of Finance and Administration, Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul
(651) 265-0727

Annette Wanchena, Lead Treasury Management Specialist, Alerus

Pang Xiong, VP & Cash Management Sales Officer, Choice Bank